Protecting Langstone Mill Pond and footpath

I’ve been working on protecting Langstone Mill Pond, the neighbouring footpath access route and related issues in the surrounding area for much of 2023 and 2024. I am pleased that an action has now been agreed.

Update: 8 February 2024

Local MP Alan Mak has welcomed an agreement amongst local decision-makers to protect Langstone Mill Pond and the adjacent coastal footpath.

Havant Borough Council, Hampshire County Council, Chichester Harbour Conservancy and Coastal Partners, plus Natural England and the Environment Agency, have agreed to the following for the next 25 years as set out in a Statement of Common Ground:

  • Maintenance of the Mill Pond wall
  • Maintenance of the coastal path along its current route by construction of a footbridge towards Wade Lane

Mr Mak has worked on this issue for more than 12 months and has met each of the local decision-makers to encourage them to reach a consensus, as well as sharing the views of local residents and community groups with them. 

In December 2023, he secured the approval of Natural England for appropriate works to protect the Mill Pond and coastal access path if local decision-makers could agree a way forward, which they have now done.

Last month, he organised and chaired a meeting in central Havant where he convened senior representatives from the local decision-making bodies who agreed to take the next steps in relation to their Statement of Common Ground.

Coastal Partners will take the lead on Mill Pond protection work. Their next step is to create a works programme and apply for relevant permits and permissions.

Chichester Harbour Conservancy, in partnership with Hampshire County Council, will take the lead on the new footbridge, and will commission a report into possible designs as their next step.

The aspiration of all the local decision-makers is to complete these works by the end of 2024.

Mr Mak said: “Having worked on protecting the Langstone Mill Pond and the neighbouring coastal footpath for more than a year alongside local decision-making organisations, I’m delighted they have reached a consensus. 

"At my meeting we discussed the next steps and I look forward to the local organisations putting their plans into action to protect these key local assets. 

"Thanks to all the local organisations for working with me and for their collaboration which has resulted in an agreement for the next 25 years.”

Councillor Alex Rennie, Leader of Havant Borough Council, said: "The efforts of all parties to discuss, consider and address the requirements of coastal access between Langstone Mill Pond and Wade Lane has come to fruition, providing meaningful benefits for residents and visitors to our shoreline. Securing the commitment to a quarter of a century of maintenance for the defences is a tremendous result and cause for celebration."

Councillor Russell Oppenheimer, HCC Cabinet Member for Countryside, said: "I am really pleased that all the organisations with an interest in this area have come together to agree a plan that will enable visitors to enjoy access to the coastal route at this beautiful location. This includes a bridge to replace a section of the path where the sea wall is becoming unstable.”

Councillor Ann Briggs, chairman of Chichester Harbour Conservancy, said: "The partners have worked hard to reach a positive solution whereby the sea wall around Langstone Mill Pond will be professionally maintained and the coastal footpath, with its outstanding views across Chichester Harbour National Landscape, will remain in its current position by way of a new footbridge that will benefit local residents and visitors alike.”

Acknowledging the longer-term future of Langstone and the harbour as a whole, a wider and separate Chichester Harbour Investment and Adaptation Plan is also proposed for the continuing management of the coastline. 

Mr Mak supports this proposal for long-term thinking and welcomes the future involvement of a variety of local and national bodies. 


Update: 3 January 2024

Local MP Alan Mak has met with Natural England who have given support for appropriate work to protect the Langstone Mill Pond and surrounding area. The MP also praised the environmental advisor’s commitment to our area following a visit to Langstone from a top official from the agency.

Senior Natural England official Graham Horton said, “If local decision-makers can formally agree on an appropriate scheme of engineering works that recognises the environmental sensitivities in this area, Natural England will support appropriate works to protect Langstone Mill Pond and nearby sea defences whilst maintaining an access route for walkers.” 

Alan Mak MP said, “I’m delighted to have received Natural England’s advice and support for an appropriate approach to works around Langstone Mill Pond following their visit. Natural England play an essential role in protecting our local environment and are a valued partner. I’m grateful for their expertise, commitment and help to make progress on this issue which I’ve been working on for much of 2023. I hope local decision-makers can now move forward and formally agree on an appropriate scheme of engineering works in 2024.”

Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Hampshire County Council, Havant Borough Council and Coastal Partners are the key players and decision-makers when it comes to the future of the Mill Pond, nearby sea defences and the adjacent footpath popular with walkers.

Over the last year Mr Mak has championed the views of local residents and community groups, and called on key local decision-makers to work together to come up with a solution to protect the Mill Pond and neighbouring assets such as the nearby footpath.

The situation is complex due to the patchwork of land ownerships, the high number of local bodies that have differing decision-making responsibilities in the area, and the current lack of agreement about the way forward.

Chichester Harbour Conservancy have legal responsibility for managing the Harbour, which includes the Mill Pond and surrounding area. Natural England are an advisory body on environmental and nature issues, and they provide insight and advice to decision-makers at the Conservancy. The Conservancy’s Board and officers review and approve applications for repair works in and around the Harbour.

Mr Mak secured a visit from senior Natural England official Graham Horton this month to inspect the Mill Pond, nearby sea defences, and the footpath that provides access from Wade Lane.

Mr Horton confirmed that if local decision-makers can formally agree on an appropriate scheme of engineering works, Natural England would support the protection of the Langstone Mill Pond, the repair of a nearby sea wall and the maintenance of the footpath.

Whilst Mr Mak is not himself a decision-maker, he has been working on this issue for most of 2023 and has secured the agreement of all key decision-makers to attend a meeting he will chair in the first quarter of 2024. Mr Mak hopes his high-level meeting bringing together these various bodies will reach an agreement on a way forward and an appropriate action plan.


Portsmouth News write-up: (PDF of newspaper hared copy version is at bottom of this page)


Update: 19 December 2023

I’ve been working on protecting Langstone Mill Pond, the neighbouring footpath access route and related issues in the surrounding area for the last 12 months.

I will continue my work on this issue in 2024, including organising and chairing a meeting of decision-makers to agree a way forward.

Looking back over 2023, my work has included:

1. Engaging with a wide variety of local residents and community groups to listen to their views;

2. Meeting key local decision-makers on multiple occasions to convey residents' views, including senior figures from Chichester Harbour Conservancy, Havant Borough Council, Hampshire Council and Coastal Partners, all of whom play a key role in relation to the future of the Langstone Mill Pond and the wider area. I’ve also remained engaged with environmental advisor, Natural England;

3. Personally inspected the Mill Pond and surrounding area with Lyall Cairns, Head of Coastal Partners, the local agency tasked with coastal protection which Havant Borough Council is a partner for;

4. Calling on local decision-makers including Chichester Harbour Conservancy and other stakeholder organisations to work collaboratively to do all they can to protect Langstone Mill Pond whilst developing a wider long-term strategy to enhance Chichester Harbour more broadly; and

5. Securing a commitment from key local decision-makers to attend a meeting that I will chair in the first quarter of 2024 to agree a way forward and an action plan.

Whilst I’m not a decision-maker in relation to the future of the Mill Pond or the surrounding area, I’ve made significant progress in bringing together the key players to agree a solution to what is a complex issue.

I’m hopeful for a good outcome in 2024 if the key decision-makers can agree on a way forward at my meeting.

Lyall Cairns, Head of Coastal Partners, said, “We welcome Alan’s support for our work collaborating with the Conservancy, local councils and other bodies to develop a holistic solution to improve the environmental health of the Harbour for future generations whilst valuing the heritage, tourism and landscape when considering the protection of the Mill Pond. Alan has consistently shown interest in and support for our work, and we look forward to staying engaged with him and other local stakeholders as we develop a plan.”